Since the production of lead from waste car batteries is main planned activity, in line with positive regulations, “EcoMet Reciklaža” d.o.o., is obliged to obtain respective permits for waste management, or to submit following documents to competent authorities:
- Permit for collection and transport of hazardous waste on the territory of the Republic of Serbia
- Integral permit for storage and treatment of hazardous waste (waste lead car batteries)
- Decision on giving consent to Study on assessment of influence on environment in Project of lead refining
- Decision on issue of water permit
- Consent for Fire Protection Plan
- Decision on classification of facilities into categories of fire hazard
- Decision on classification of legal entity into III category of fire hazard
- Decision on giving consent for the Project of Restoration and phytoremediation
- Decision of the Ministry of Mining and Energy on continuation of exploitation of antimony in deposit Zajača-Centralni Revir, municipality of Loznica
- Decision of the Ministry of Mining and Energety on continuation of exploitation of Sb. Pb, Zn in deposit Rajićeva Gora/Eastern Kopaonik
- Decision of the Ministry of Mining and Energy for continuation of exploitation of antimony in deposits Brasina, municipality of Mali Zvornik
- Decison of the Ministry of Environmental protection confirming that "Ecomet Reciklaža" d.o.o. is not operator of Seveso equipment.
- Decision of the Ministry of Environmental protection “Consent to lead institution - company "EcoMet Reciklaža” d.o.o. on Study on assessment of impact of identified condition on the environment for project Production complex “EcoMet Reciklaža” d.o.o. on the cadaster plot no: 505, 694 and 717 of the KM Zajača.
- Use permit for constructed installations of commercial natural gas
- Decision of the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure on the legalization of all facilities.
Decision of the Ministry of Environmental Protection on the issuance of the Integral Permit for the treatment, i.e. storage and reuse of non-hazardous and hazardous waste, registration number 3301
Apart from above-mentioned documentation, Plan of detailed regulation of the industrial complex in Zajača, has foreseen construction of new landfill of metallurgical slag on the locality of the discharged old landfill- historical industrial dumpsite of tailings and slag, the restoration and closing of which is financed by the Republic of Serbia through competent Ministry for Environmental Protection.
The Plan of long-term development of metallurgic production as basis for production of required documentation and obtaining consents for construction of new landfill is being made. As a long-term solution of the issue of slag deposition from the pyrometallurgical process of lead melting, the construction of modern landfill is foreseen, in the area of about 90 acres, on the space which is foreseen for this purpose by the Plan of Detailed Regulation of the Industrial Zone “Zajača “ in Zajača. Compliance with all legal provisions during designing, construction and exploitation of the planned landfill shall ensure permanent, ecologically and economically sustainable solution of this issue.